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Showcase Panel I: What is Originalism? [2019 National Lawyers Convention]
Welcome & Showcase Panel I: Roundtable: Originalism on the Ground [NLC 2023]
Showcase Panel III: Panel: Originalism on the Ground [NLC 2023]
What is Originalism?
Showcase Panel II: Textualism and Constitutional Interpretation 11-15-2013
Showcase Panel IV: How Originalist is the Supreme Court? [NLC 2023]
Showcase Panel IV: Originalism and Precedent [2019 National Lawyers Convention]
Originalism and Construction, Pt. 1
Panel I: Were the Founders Themselves Originalists?
Showcase Panel II: Why, or Why Not, Be an Originalist? [2019 National Lawyers Convention]
Showcase Panel III: Does Originalism Protect Unenumerated Rights? [2019 National Lawyers Convention]
How is Originalism Defined? [No. 86 LECTURE]